To Fellow Donors致捐款人 (12/08)

Dear Donors and Supporters, 

How time flies!   I would like to take a moment to wish you all a belated Happy Holiday and also take this opportunity to provide you a brief report of how the Foundation has performed in the past year. 

Due to the world’s economic downturn started last September, our donations have reduced considerably compared to the previous year. However, undeterred and continued financial support from each of you at this difficult times show the true characters of you all and I am deeply grateful. 

The Foundation has help built 5 teaching buildings in the poorest counties in Nanyang, Henan Province as well as one memorial elementary school in Taihe, Anhui Province. A special result worth mention here is that we have doubled the amount of urgently needed scholarships to 105 students within 5 high schools. In Addition, we have used a specially designated fund to support the studies of 54 seminarian students in the Catholic seminary in Shanxi Province. 

Based on the experiences of our China and school-site travels in the past few years, we’ve seen revolutionary changes in the last thirty years. There have been great improvements in essential and physical structures which can be readily seen everywhere we went. However, when it comes to basic essence and the upbringing of people, social morality and public order in general, there is not much to be desired. We understand these qualities cannot change overnight. It will take years of long and hard work and education to achieve any noticeable result. And this is exactly why the Foundation has repeatedly advised the local officials and emphasized the importance of these elements to local education agencies. Our words have touched their hearts and our unselfish actions have made great impressions on them. Hopefully, what we have done can slowly change their materialistic beliefs and make them to rethink the true meaning and value of life again. 

In fact, “Love” is giving, unconditionally giving. “Love” is commitment, a life time of commitment. “Love” is receiving, which results in happiness without expecting any return but only give. While creating enjoyment for others, one’s own life is being enriched abundantly. “Love” is contagious and it makes people felt its warmth for everyone around it. Like ripples, it radiates this beautiful feeling to broader and broader circles. 

The Foundation gathers the “Love” received from all of you collectively, shares the enjoyment with actions and spread the gentle warmth to those with needs. To the world, you and I may be just someone, but to that someone, you and I may as well be his world and his hope. 

This is the true meaning of Christmas. Not because we deserve it, rather Christ has already loved us and enables humble people to receive the Good News and Grace.   2008 years had passed, our ever merciful Lord continues to invite us to join in His bounty and perfection. Come, let’s hold our hands together and run toward Him and bathe in His immense love. 

Happy Holidays again and wish all your dreams come true!


Your humble servant in Christ,


Hope School Foundation

Alan Chen










喜: 看見捐建的學校美侖美奐。錦生、光明兩校師生受此鼓舞,促使今年升學率攀高,締造輝煌記錄。

怒: 沿海內陸天差地別,貧富懸殊、分配不均。

哀: 殘破的窘狀,窮苦的淒涼。

樂: 有緣結識南陽市政府僑務辦公室的工作人員,他們的團隊精神和服務熱忱令人激賞。將來與它攜手合作,定能收到事半功倍之效。

酸: 學校教室的簡陋、師生宿舍的擁擠、公共廁所的污穢,在在使人心酸。

甜: 校長幹勁十足,老師教學認真,學生勤學苦讀,令人印象深刻。並有機會與六位校長座談,達成品德提升遠重於知識傳授的共識。

苦: 爬山涉水、路途顛簸。

辣: 蔬果鮮美、牛羊可口。 


過去兩年多裏,我們一直沐浴在愛與幸福中。往後的歲月,更將秉持著扶助弱小之心、奉獻祖國之情,全力以赴的走下去。同時虔誠地祈望各位繼續給予扶持和鞭策,使我們能傳播更多的愛,散佈更多的希望,做得更好。    敬祝 

新春納福          萬事吉昌



負責人  陳楚雄敬上
