Mr. Fan

Dear Alan: 

Please kindly let me know where to send the donation of this year ASAP.  Also I did not able to find the receipt for last year 0f 2014. 


I have been forced to retire so I am not able to make donation next year.  Sorry for it.  My wife has Parkinson so I need to beef up our long term care reserve for the future. 


Best Regards, 


Chung Fan





Dear Chung:

Happy Holidays!

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been forced to retire earlier than you expected & your loving wife has a hardship.  It's a very difficult situation for you.

We only can pray for both of you.  May our good Lord has mercy & blessing on you.

Our Foundation also has a difficulty to get enough donations lately.  We almost run out of the revenue.

You always supported our mission strongly.  We very appreciate your kindness & generosity.

Base on situations we all met, I suggest you should save money for your needed & take good cares of yourselves.

We sincerely wish you have a wonderful & peaceful Christmas & a prosperous New Year.

Alan Chen


P. S.:  We'll send you 2014 donation's receipt shortly.




Dear Chung:

你好!隨函附上你所需的 2014 年捐款收據,敬請查收!

非常感謝你自 2012 年起就大力支持美國愛心助學基金會。

基金會至目前為止,11 年來已向中國河南省南陽市轄下的 13 個縣市捐款一百多萬美金,總共資助貧困學生就學超過兩千多名,資助興建教學樓 45 所,而其中由你及夫人就捐建了 10 所,其比例之高及金額之鉅,實為所有善心人士之首。在在顯示你們兩位樂善好施、慷慨大方,更令人欽佩的是你們為善不欲人知的高風亮節。




Alan Chen
