Love Is Infinite爱无涯

Love Is Infinite

It has been a while ever since I first heard the story of Annie, her husband, Alan, and the Hope Elementary School they built in mainland China. However, it was not until a few weeks ago that I began to understand the true significance of their good deeds. It had to be a miracle or predestination that I would have the opportunity to come in contact with this couple overseas and get involved with the Hope School Foundation. 

Even as a small child, I recognized the fact that poverty would deprive people of educational opportunities. Hsu-Ming Chun, the wide-eyed spokes person for the Hope Project, made a tremendous impact on me. My heart was instantly captured by the melancholy and pleading expression in her eyes the moment I saw it. In my recollection, I can hardly remember anyone else's eyes; yet, her eyes have impressed upon my memory forever and will never fade away. They quietly stared at you, with a genuine and soft sadness. Anyone with a kind heart would have a hard time staring back at her. What a gaze! 

In my youth, I was very passionate and often regretted that I was not able to lend a helping hand to less fortunate children. As time goes by, life's ups and downs as well as the challenges I had to endure have hardened my heart. Nevertheless this time, Annie, Alan, and little Zhu's kindness and acts of love have truly thrilled me. They are neither business tycoons, nor millionaires. Simply ordinary working people like you and I. Yet, with true love and compassion, they built the Chue Shong Hope Elementary School in a rural village of Jin-Chia-Gou located at the intersection of Henan, Shanxi and Hubei. The construction work for the second school is also making good progress, and expected to be completed in the spring. They plan to build the third one in Tsai-Shiann, the infamous AIDS village in China. Geographic separation has not stopped them from spreading their seeds of love across the mountains and oceans, and reaching out to those children in dire need. They have certainly won my reverent respect. The Hope School Foundation will assist numerous children in obtaining knowledge through education; and knowledge will empower those children to change their lives. 

During the past year, I sent the majority of my earnings home to support my family. I only have a small amount of savings in the bank account. However, to give my support to this meaningful project, I am very willing to offer my contributions to the organization as a small drop in the bucket. Annie and Alan called me and expressed their appreciation when they received my donations. As a matter of fact, it was I who should give them my thanks. They have given me an opportunity to recognize the beauty of this world and allow me to understand myself better. 

A scene I once witnessed often surfaces in my head: a ragged young child, wearing a paper sign on his neck, kneeling down in the middle of a street, begging for assistance. The sign contains his brief biography and says "I want to attend school....." While several passers-by extended their generous aids to the child, many others walked away with a contempt and disbelief on their faces. It was so sad to see such a scene. What pushes people like this child to plead for help by kneeling down on the street? Who is responsible for depriving them of education opportunities? Why should these young children endure such great pains? Has society expelled them? Aren't they "the apple of God's eye" too? 

To witness falling leaves in spring is more dreadful than witness dry leaves in autumn. 

With a loving heart, we extend our assistance in fulfilling other people's needs; and it is not to glorify our own names. The beauty of the human nature prompts us to do so. You may have heard these statements: "The reinforced concrete in a big city can assimilate our hearts." "The daily grind and city people's pretentious behavior have made our vision blur and our souls ache." However, let me remind everyone of the fact that love is just around the corner. We do not need to search hard for it nor feel lost. Simply stretch out your hands and join us. When you have a genuine concern for others' well being, love will find you. Let our love melt the coldness from the reinforced concrete. 

Love does not need lavish words to describe. People can sense love if it comes from our heart. Let our love shine on the dark places and drive away cold. This is the power of love. Science and technology can tell us how big the universe is, but can anyone measure love? I don't think so, because love is infinite. 

Alice Yang 




Alice Yang当我还是一个孩子的时­候我就知道这世界上还有一些人,因家境贫困,而没有机会接受教育---特别是希望工程形象代言人“大眼睛”苏明娟的那种忧­傷充满渴求的眼睛---也 许在我贫瘠的记忆里,流失了那么多人的眼睛,可她的眼睛我一看就不会遗忘。它怯怯灵灵默默凝睇,真真切切略带哀愁,善良的人几乎没有勇气跟她对视。那是怎 样的一种眼神,我至今仍记忆犹新。当时年少,满腔热情,只恨没有能力帮到他们。光阴荏苒,我已成年且踏入了社会,接触了一些人,经历了一些事,心却慢慢变 的坚硬起来。但是这次,真的是被Alan和Annie 的善心和义举所震动。他们既不是富豪巨贾,也没有万贯家私,只是普通如你我的平常人,但是凭着一颗爱心,一腔热情,却已经在河南、陕西和湖北交界的一个名叫金家沟村的偏远山村里为当地建起了一所“楚雄爱心小学”,第二所小学也正在筹建当中,明年春节前就可完工。接下来,还会在中国河南省的特贫县捐建爱心小学。隔了那么远的山山水水,他们将爱心播洒到了大洋彼岸的这些地处偏僻,最需­要关爱的孩子身上,怎能不叫人肃然起敬?那些孩子们,会因为爱心助学计划,获得求学的机会;而知识,将会改变他们一生的命运。

我工作近一年,薪水多寄回作家用,并无太多积蓄,但我仍愿意为这个伟大的project多添一块砖,一片瓦。Annie和Alan 后来打电话给我,谢谢我对这个基金会的捐助,其实我该谢谢他们的。他们让我看到了这个世界的美好,让我自省并­能认识自己。

经常见到这样的一幕:在繁华的街市中跪着一个衣衫褴褛的小孩,脖子上挂着一张“我想上学……”的 纸牌,前­面写着自己的生世,许多好心人慷慨地伸出援助之手,可也有人认为这是骗人的,唾弃、鄙夷之色溢于脸上,看了让人觉得心里酸酸的。是什么力量让他 们向世人跪着求救呢?是谁剥夺了他们上学求知的权利呢?为什么让如此幼小的生命承受如此的不堪呢?难道他们已经被社会遗弃了,难道他们就不是“天之骄子” 吗?




Alice Yang
