
The Hope School Foundation was established on October 5, 2004. Its Headquarter is located in Los Angeles, California. This organization registered with the U.S. government and obtained its official non-profit status from the Internal Revenue Service on September 15, 2005.

We are a group of volunteers working toward a common goal. We wish to follow Father Vincent Lebbe footsteps to promote the spirit of genuine compassion, total sacrifice, and perpetual happiness. Our goal is to provide financial resources to construct or renovate school facilities in the remote rural areas of China and to provide educational opportunities for children of needy families.

As volunteers, all staff members are expected to be completely self supportive. Expenditures on correspondence, printing, postage, transportation, and lodging are their own responsibilities. With this principle, the Foundation hopes to spend every penny it raises on school building construction as well as to assist children in receiving a proper education.

All Foundation members are volunteers. The Board of Directors serves as the executive body. At present time, the Foundation has nine board members and one representative in Taiwan. Every year, the board holds one official meeting and several informal meetings. The board members serve for a 2-year term. At the end of their term, a new election will be held. An incumbent can be reelected and serve a second 2-year term. Following is the organizational structure:




Alan Chen

Annie Chen

Sue Yeh
Chief Financial Officer

Daniel Chen
VP Public Relations

Edie Yang

Diana Lee

Elysa Wang

Ted Chang

Lilian Chik

Jess chen
Representative in Taiwan